PVC Pipes
Sudarshan PVC Pipes

PVC Pipes
Innovative, quality and performance

Sudarshan Pipes (PVC Division) pioneer in manufacturing Innovative Products – Sudarshan Column Pipes since 2003, used with submersible pumps to draw water from 200 feet to 2100 feet deep borehole / borewell, replaced GI Pipes/ HDPE Pipes due to its better mechanical properties and performance. Sudarshan Column Pipes are successfully installed in more than 12,00,000 boreholes / borewells Pan India and Abroad – 15+ Countries incl Gulf, Africa and Europe. Sudarshan Column Pipes – 1” to 6” (32mm to 160 mm) comes in wide range – Eco, Deluxe, Super Deluxe, Heavy, Super Heavy for various depths and pump delivery pressure.
Sudarshan Pipes started its manufacturing from Innovative Products – Column Pipes since 2003, presently manufacture PVC Pipes, UGD Pipes, Blue Casing Pipes and filter as per BIS Standard; And under expansion plan at Oblapura, plan to manufacture OPVC pipes, PVC Conduit pipes and fittings, uPVC pipes and fittings, CPVC Pipes and fittings and Water Tanks.
Sudarshan Pipes has also planned to manufacture all types of Rigid as well as Flexible PVC Pipes.